The Role of Gum and Bone Grafting in Periodontal Disease Treatment.


 As we know why gum and bone grafting is done First, I will give you information related to gum and bone grafting bone and gum grafting is done mostly  gum and fit it up then they fill some solution down side by this liquid bone grow rapidly after filling they stick that area for some time this treatment called bone grafting and if we talk about gum grafting let me tell you about gum grafting in this like when due to many problems and old age teeth come over.


Understanding Periodontal Disease.


In this, I want to tell you that what is periodontal disease is also one of the gum diseases this is a very dangerous infection caused by many problems like not doing daily brushing Individuals who don’t take care of their oral hygiene this is a very common problem mostly every person has this type of problem there are many symptoms of this problem like.


Red, swollen, or bleeding gums.


As we all know how many teeth problems are, it makes a person very difficult for a person to do something like not eat their favorite food, chocolates, sweets, and many other things. Because of this problem and the symptom of this problem is that your gums get red and swollen or in some cases, it starts bleeding which look very bad due to this person cant open their mouth properly to eat it pain a lot due to the swollen you look very bad it also hit to your personality you can’t talk with anyone.


Loose or shifting teeth.


In this I want to tell you that when you have a Periodontal Disease problem then your tooth get lose you will feel like it is hanging or you may notice that your tooth changing place it is shifting from its place then you have to go to the dentist if you this problem then you have problem of periodontal disease he will do treatment of it.


Painful chewing


As we know how many teeth problems are, like when you eat something it makes you difficult to chew anything like you can’t sweets chocolates and many other things also.


The Importance of Gum Grafting in Periodontal Disease Treatment.


Preventing Further Gum Recession:


In this I want to tell you that as we know periodontal disease is common and its very painful in this problem gum grafting is very important if you have this disease then you have to go to your dentist then he will suggest you gum grafting as we know this disease will be spread easily to other teeth which create lot of problem in your mouth due to this to prevent further gum recession gum grafting is most important.


Reducing Sensitivity.


As we know teeth problem is very painful problems which is very common in everyone like in this disease sensitivity problem cause like you will eat anything you will fell different like sometimes hot and cold you can’t eat anything like sweets or chocolates you cant chew the food properly I will hurt a lot like passing air from your mouth will also hurt you but if you have gum grafting then you don’t have to face this problem.


Enhancing Oral Health.


In this I want to tell you that as we know if anyone has teeth problems then he or she can’t take proper meals like they cant do brush properly by this their oral health get week but after having gum grafting you don’t have to this problem like it will improve your oral health make you feel good and you can eat anything but chewing them properly.


The Role of Bone Grafting in Periodontal Disease Treatment.


In this I want to tell you that bone grafting also plays a very important role in periodontal disease treatment like.


Restoring Bone Loss:


In this I wan to tell you that like as we know in periodontal disease many individuals losses their teeth bone without it they did not transplant the teeth but after having bone grafting then as we all what is bone grafting as I already explain upper after having it help to restore the bone loss in teeth.


Supporting Dental Implants.


In this I want to tell you that many doctors suggest a dental implant in this problem but not having a bone in teeth causes problems without it dental implant could not be done but having bone grafting it will help you in dental implant by this bone is put in that place after this you do dental implant this is the one of the reasons why bone grafting is important in periodontal disease.


The Procedure and Recovery.


In this I will tell you the procedure and recovery about gum grafting and bone grafting.

Gum Grafting:

In gum grafting in starting first they give you local anesthesia is used to numb the area so during the procedure you will not feel any type of pain so by this doctor can do their treatment without any problem. Will in this treatment they take a tissue from roof of your mouth or a donor source and graft onto the affected area Sutures are used to secure the graft in place.


Bone Grafting:


If we talk about bone grafting in this, I want to tell you that Local anesthesia or sedation is used, depending on the extent of the procedure. This is very beneficial; it also helps in many things like dental implants and in many others also.

Bone material is placed in the areas where bone loss has occurred, they take a bone peace from the downside and fill it with some liquid so that it could require a fast the peace of bone they take put it where it needs and fit with stiches The area is covered with a protective membrane and sutured.


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